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Mental health is not a goal, but a process. It’s about how drive, not where you go. Here i come with several services to help you understand how to drive well.
Searching for a counselor indicates the first step toward your healing journey. It means that despite what you are currently experiencing, you are embracing the courage and willingness to create change.
What does "consulting" mean? It refers to providing guidance or support based on your specific needs. If you're interested in counseling, we can arrange a brief call to assess your needs and determine if we are a good fit. If you are interested in public speaking engagements, strategic planning/grant writing for suicide prevention, or if you're a mental health professional dedicated to increasing your knowledge of suicide, we can schedule a meeting to discuss how I can assist you in achieving your goals. (Due to the complexity of suicide, it is difficult to include the plethora of consulting services that may not be listed here).
I have over 7+ years experience in suicidology and domestic violence. I have presented for universities, high school and middle schools, trade schools, Tribes and Tribal entities, ODMHSAS, the Centers for Disease Control, SAMHSA, John Hopkins Indigenouse Research Program, the Oklahoma State Department of Health, and community outreach events.
Mental health is not a goal, but a process. It’s about how drive, not where you go. Here i come with several services to help you understand how to drive well.